Since you’re visiting this website, you should really just be paying attention to ME, but if you’re looking here in the first place here are some friends, colleagues, clients and influences you probably should know about:
ubu studio
Strange Maine A nexus of cultural influence that also sells records, movies, cassettes, video games, books and other human artifacts!
Coelacanthus featured in ubu studio artist books page.
An old article about me at the USM Free Press.
A really good review of a Coelacanthus by Rich Kriener for The Comics Journal.
A posting of a Fuzzy Allotrope by a kind patron.
An article about 24 Hour Comic Day 2004.
A fun article about works I used to have up in Strange Maine that also includes Godzilla.
Portland’s own International Cryptozoology Museum, where some of my art (coelacanths) resides!
Coelacanthus at the Roanoke County Public Library, VA.
A lovely write-up for the MECA faculty exhibit “Bounty”
MECA’s page for the “Bounty” exhibit